Mike Williams
Mike Williams became Senior Pastor of RIO Regeneration in 2016. Pastor Mike has been preaching the Word of God for over 10 years as a pastor, youth pastor, and an evangelist. He graduated from Johnson University with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Leadership and Ministry. He is also a proud member of the United States Air Force, and a chaplain for the Blount County Sheriff’s Office. Pastor Mike has a heart and passion to build a ministry that is centered around the work of Christ. Under his leadership, RIO Regeneration has been about building a thriving community of believers with a passion for growing as close to the Lord as possible. He has put an emphasis on expanding each member’s evangelistic outreach through quality discipleship and leadership training. He has done these things by establishing small groups inside the church, launching Discipleship University, and leading RIO REGEN into international missions with the establishment of our RIO REGEN Soup Kitchen in Pucallpa, Peru. Mike and his wife Michelle have six children and twelve grandchildren.